Monday, June 15, 2009


How come men have to hurt the children when they divorce? My ex adopted my daughter after her birth father abandoned her. He said he wouldn't write her off but that's what he has done. He doesn't call her unless she calls him first and asks. He moved out right in front of her and said nothing. Now I hear from his mother that he gets upset when he talks about her. Why can he not step up to the plate and be a man. This kid is emotionally fragile and is a wreck. Yet again, I get to pick up the pieces. If only there were a good man out there. By the time this kid dates, she won't know what good is. 2 of the main men in her life walked out on her. The last one is living back at his parents, sitting on his butt, fishing and having a good time. I hear from people that knew him here that he was flirting. What a jerk. All I want from him is him to be a man and take care of his daughter. Is this tooo much? I guess it is for him. Mommy takes care of his health and his Dad has too handle the divorce. What a woose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Personally, I'm glad he's gone. I think he brought me down and now I can be myself.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

single men

Well, can anyone explain why men are just looking for barbies. Having been out of the dating scene for the last 6 years, I've forgotten some things. I have a myspace account but forgot my username. I used shellyann which is what I use everywhere its available. Well, that isn't my myspace name. I don't know who shellyann is on there but the men look there and its not me.
Funny enough, I never hear from them after I tell them I goofed. Are there no honest men anymore? I want one that doesn't want barbie. I don't think they exist. I think I'll just be a spinster with 50 hamsters (allergic to cats). It's a good thing I'm happy with who I am. It's their loss. Somewhere has to be a real man that can treat a woman good. If you find one, send him my way :)

review of WILD INDIGO

Wild Indigo by Sandi Ault (B-)

Interesting book. I found the main character, Jamaica Wild, to be intriguing. She is spunky, fiesty and very stubborn. Mountain, her pet wolf, seems to be her guardian angel. In this installment, she is trying to find out who murder her teacher's son. She comes up against the Pueblo tribe.
There are many adventures. The ending will leave you hanging on your seat. Give it a shot, I look forward to reading other installments in this series.

4 am musings

Ever notice how being up all night makes you start thinking? I've been sitting here tonight trying to decide what my interests are. I've been so busy lately that I think I've forgotten what I like to do. I'm an avid reader (hi, my name is Shelly and I'm a readaholic). I've decided I like to read because I can travel into a good book. It's free and fun with a good book. Some of my favorites are two classic horror authors: Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I had also forgotten that I like to come out at night and watch the moon and the stars. Here in Rifle, I have come out some nights to see a ring around the moon that is just surreal. Tonight's view was fabulous. It had rained, so the air smelled fresh and clouds were in the sky. I also like to crochet blankets. I know, its an old lady thing, but its comforting when I'm stressed. I've taken up walking. I'm usually out walking back and forth in good ole' Rifle twice a week. I work graveyards which wreaks havoc on my schedule but I hope to go up and do some camping this year. I would like to find someone with some ATV's so I could try them. I still have weekends off so who knows what this summer will bring?


Hmm, let's just talk about marriage today. My 3rd marriage has failed, abandoned by yet another husband. I suppose the fact that he was 30-something and lived with his parents should have been a red-flag to me. Well, silly me, I thought I had met my soul mate and best friend.
Fast forward six years, he says he wants a divorce on our daughter's graduation day (from high school). After talking, I thought we were going to counseling; one week later, I go to sleep (I work nights) and wake to find that he has taken his stuff and stolen the vehicle to go back to CA to his parents. He did this in front of our daughter and did not say a word. Needless to say, I filed papers that following week. He sent a text with 'not coming home, don't call me'. Can anyone tell me why men do this? I don't want to give up on institute of marriage but I'm not having much success. The first cheated, the second stole my car and ran after 3 months and now this. How many toads do I have to kiss to find a real man. Where are the men who can have intelligent conversation, be romantic and support their family? *puts on chapstick* Well, guess life must move on ahead. There must be a real man out their somewhere.